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Our email: office@scandiesel.ru
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The company switches to remote operation mode


Twin Disc products were presented at the company's booth


The batch of lifeboat engines has been delivered to Russia by the official distributor


Projects SPB Marine LLC with Scania engines in Russia (2009 to 2011):

Project A160 (diving ship) Project A40-2B (boom ship)
Project A160 (diving ship) Project A40-2B (boom ship)

Two Scania engines DI16M with Twin Disc 5135SC gears and control system EC 300. 10 ships were built in 2009-2011 for State Marine Emergency Salvage.

Two Scania engines DI16M with Twin Disc 5135A gears and control system EC 300. 6 ships were built in 2009-2011 for State Marine Emergency Salvage.
Project 10/CEB (cable-placer) Project TG04 (Tug)
Проект 10/КИБ (кабелеукладчик) Проект TG 04 (буксир)

Two Scania engines DI12M with ZF W 325 gears and control system ZF Clear Command. 2 ships were built in 2011 for PGS Khazar, one under construction.

Two Scania engines DI12M with ZF W 325 gears and control system ZF Clear Command. 2 ships were built in 2009-2011 for Norilsk Nickel.
Project RT18 Project 23040
Project RT18 Project 23040
Two Scania engines DI12M with ZF W 325 gears and control system ZF Clear Command. 5 ships are under construction for Rechvodput. Two Scania engines DI16M with Twin Disc 5135SC gears and control system EC 300. 16 ships are under construction for Russian Navy.