Our Phone: 007 812 900 23 00
Our email: office@scandiesel.ru
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The company switches to remote operation mode


Twin Disc products were presented at the company's booth


The batch of lifeboat engines has been delivered to Russia by the official distributor


SPB Marine LLC has been designing, supplying and providing maintenance service of propulsion complexes for more than 10 years.

SPB Marine is the official distributor of Bukh (Denmark) and a service dealer of TwinDisc, Inc (USA). SPB Marine Company is currently one of the largest supplier of propulsion complexes based on Scania marine engines in Russia.

During that period more than 100 Scania and Bukh marine engines and more than 100 Twin Disc gearboxes have been delivered and commissioned.

SPB Marine LLC stands out for the high level of engineering support at the design and operation stage.

General manager D. KutuzovDmitry Kutuzov, General Manager

Our clients are Russia’s largest companies including Norilsk Nickel, Rechvodput, State Marine Emergency Salvage, Rescue and Pollution Prevention Coordination Service of the Russian Federation and the Navy.