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The company switches to remote operation mode


Twin Disc products were presented at the company's booth


The batch of lifeboat engines has been delivered to Russia by the official distributor

SPB Marine intensify its activities in the Far East

Last week, engineers of the SPB Marine company once again visited the port of Nakhodka and the port of Vladivostok to perform technical work on 166 and 165 hulls of the project A40-2B YAR. For these ships SPB Marine supplied the motor-reduction units based on Scania and Twin Disc with control systems.
This already was a second visit to the Far East by our specialists within a month. Such frequent trips to the region are associated to the growth of the fleet on which installed equipment was supplied by SPB Marine. Maybe has time come to think about opening a regional office in the Far East?

A40-2B YAR project

Twin Disc