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The company switches to remote operation mode


Twin Disc products were presented at the company's booth


The batch of lifeboat engines has been delivered to Russia by the official distributor

Contract for the Bukh engines supply was singed

«SPB Marine» LLC has signed regular agreement with «Pella-Fiord» Company for the delivery of two Bukh DV 24RME engines. The engines will be installed on free-fall lifeboats.
Speaking about the merits of Bukh engines, it should be noted that they are equipped with a mechanical speed regulator, and therefore are easy in maintenance and repair. The RME engine series has been developed specifically for lifeboats, which have been successfully used for more than a decade. This indicates the main advantage of the Bukh engines - the highest reliability. Also, the engines meets the requirements of SOLAS - the International Association for the Safety of Life at Sea.Bukh DV 24RME engine