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Ännu ett parti paneler levererat till företaget VIMAR OFFSHORE


Studenter av Makarovshögskola fick höra om moderna Scania dieselgeneratorer,Common Rail systemet och arbetsförmedlingsperspektiver


SPB Marin AB har ingått ett avtal om motorleveranser för det 13:e och det 14:e fartygen i projektet

SPB Marine LLC is certified by DNV GL according to ISO 9001:2008

SPB Marine Company was successfully certified according to quality management system ISO 9001:2008. In September this year. Independent audit of the management system of SPB Marine was inspected by the DNV GL Certification Society. Activities that fall under the certification are: “delivery, application and service maintenance of marine engines and other equipment”.

In addition to the audit by DNV GL SPB Marine Company are regularly inspected by Scania for compliance with DOS (Dealer Operation Standard) and by Register of Shipping for compliance with the requirements of enterprises engaged in repair of main and auxiliary engines, auxiliary machinery and equipment.

certified by DNV GL according to ISO 9001:2008
Certificate of conformity of SPB Marine quality management system to ISO 9001:2008