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Twin Disc marine gearboxes have been approved by Russian River Register

Twin Disc marine gearboxes of series MGX 5136, that are popular in Russia, have been certified by Russian River Register. Moreover, Twin Disc has obtained the certificates for all its production in Belgium. It should be noted that SPB Marine company is the official Twin Disc service dealer in Russia. The company has currently supplied the vessels with more than 100 marine gearboxes of this series. All the supplies have been supervised by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

The main advantage of the MGX 5136 gearbox over its competitors is the Quick Shift transmission system, which has been independently designed and implemented by a team of Twin Disc engineers. QuickShift is a slow-speed system that can be effectively used for docking and maneuvering. Having the technical know-how, the Twin Disc marine gearboxes, in comparison with its competitors, provide the fastest and smoothest shockless motion and instantaneous power supply transmission to the marine screw propeller.

Another feature of the MGX 5136 gearboxes is the availability of a regular output shaft speed sensor with the indications being monitored by the EC-300 control system.

The initial batch of MGX 5136 gearboxes, certified by Russian River Register, will be delivered to the ships of A40-2B YAR project. These ships are being constructed at Yaroslavsky Shipbuilding Plant.

Certificate of type approval for Twin Disc MGX 5136

Certificate of type approval for Twin Disc MGX 5136